Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Ups and Downs of Training

My training cycle has been different than anticipated at the beginning of the year.  By February 50-60 mile weeks should be the low average and I would be cruising up hills as fast as the flats.  Unfortunately, law school commitments and focus on recovery have limited the amount of time I spend out there.  Regardless of the little mileage I am feeling more confident and stronger this year than last.  American River 50 was humbling my first attempt and rewarding during the second.  

I am hesitant to discuss time goals because I do not want to "jinx" it.  Yet, we all know that during a trail run anything can happen to anyone.  To have an ideal day I would like to run a WS100 qualifier to keep me in the hunt for 2014 & PR at the 50 mile distance.  There I said it.  The second half is a lot of single track and the holy rollers on that side of AR eat quads for brunch.

I do have a lot of faith that I can accomplish at least one of those goals, but better than all that I am running happy.  I am not using fitness as the stress reliever I used too.  Admittedly I will go knock out a few runs when something is troubling me but is far less frequent than it used to be.  Pretty soon I will be going through my regular charts and gear checks for AR because I am a worrier and when it comes to ultras I prep; just don't like the unexpected on a trail when exhausted.  

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