Thursday, May 13, 2010

Golf has been my escape from stress and I really do need it.  Sometimes going to the range and just working on understanding my own mechanics is just the amount of relaxation needed.  Mind you, it can be frustrating and annoying at times; but that one shot that bores through the wind or the putt that drops after two or three breaks is worth all the work.  I have been going back to fundamentals recently.  I am checking my grip and my posture more often.  Focusing on those actually makes me forget about hitting the ball.  Apparently thinking about it is not a good thing; I stop thinking and the ball flies where I intend, I focus on it and blade it with style usually injuring trees and random bunkers in the process.  Putting is back in full effect, I was terrible for a little while there.  I have returned to a smooth stroke and focusing on after impact keeping the face of the putter connected to the ball as long as possible.  This has helped because the backstroke moving a millimeter would bug my eye and open or close the face.  However, the change of focus now means I care less about the backstroke and focus on impact and swinging through the putt. 
Tuesday was my last final of the second semester of law school.  It is insane how fast time passes by.  When I first started I was so excited to study law, now I am excited at the prospect that I may be studying law forever.  Law is an ever evolving series of judicial decisions and to be a part of it, even just studying as a law student has been a blessing.  I have mentioned this before but there are some brilliant people out there.  Every time I have the opportunity to speak to anyone at school I am amazed at how different our backgrounds are but at the same time how similar our future goals seem to be.  Not going to lie, when it is all said and done I am happy that there is a break.  I need to get a few weeks of a solid 8 hours of sleep per night and less driving.  The 120 miles per day mon-thrus begins to wear on you a touch. 
In the last few months I have had a series of insights provided either by friends or family that have really allowed me to evaluate my life and how truly blessed and lucky I am.  I have dodged bullets but also walked into great opportunities.  Figured I should say thanks, because even though it is tough to stomach some of the criticism I very much appreciate it.  The fact they care enough to offer positive criticism is a testament to their friendship and care.  And I am sorry for stressing you all out these past weeks especially my immediate family.  I know that I have been a distant…and to the Starbucks, coffee bean, and cafĂ© baristas; gracias.  If not for your coffee making talents I would have fallen asleep or lacked the fortitude to keep reading. 
Politics and sports have long held opposite sides of the field.  However, recently the Phoenix Suns, i.e. Los Suns, have openly protested the new Arizona law targeting illegal immigration.  I have written regarding the law and we shall see how it goes.  There are a lot of variables to be considered, but I think “as is” that attempt at reform is not appropriate and prejudicial; we do need national immigration reform and we need it soon.  The Wall Street Journal Law Blog informed that some towns in update New York are considering passing laws that all business should be conducted in English.  The issues raised are obviously, 1st amendment, in case of emergencies, prejudice against immigrants and the like.  Instead of creating laws to alienate people why not create incentives for a better mastery of the English Language.  Solicit more feedback from school districts in regards to what works and what does not.  Maybe we can reward schools for excelling in English skills.  It is short sighted to attempt and make laws that cause animosity and ill will.  We did not learn Iroquois, Cherokee, Apache or any other native tongue when we ran across the country did we?

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